How to View Acceledent Data

Viewing Your Acceledent Data
I never bothered to look at my data before, and my orthodontist just looked at it today (on day 365). I’ve wondered for a while if there was a problem with my device because when I first got it I could go 3 uses in between charges. Now I have to charge after every use or else it will just shut off on me during the next use. I confirmed this by looking at the data because some days it shows I only used it for 17 or 19 minutes (instead of 20). These must have been days where it shut off early on me and I assumed it was 20 minutes. I kept my own calendar of my usage and I have missed 3 days in the past year. That’s pretty good, but still wish I hadn’t missed those days. I also noticed that some days show “0” in the data while others show I used it two or three times in one day. I’m going to call Acceledent about this. I assume it’s because if I used it for example at 8pm one day and 7pm the next, it would say I used it twice in one day because it’s less than 24 hours. Wish I had caught this sooner so my data was more accurate.
In order to view your data, follow these steps (I tried on both a Mac & PC and it surprisingly works):
1.       Plug Acceledent into your computer’s USB.
2.       An “Acceldent” device will show on your computer; open it

3.       You will see a file titled “DayData.csv” – open it and it will open a spreadsheet in Excel (the rest of the files are just logo pictures and complex data files you won’t use.

4.       Your spreadsheet will look something like below (my serial # is X’d out). This shows you the date, your daily percentage (should be full usage or 100%), Your 30 day %, session and minutes. I assume session should always be 1 and Minutes should always be 20.  But like I mentioned, my Acceledent has had some glitches and although I know I used it correctly, some days show 40 mins and other days show 0. I’m going to call them about this data. 

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